Este refugio se abrió en la Ciudad de Rosario el 10 de julio de 2007 y continúa hasta hoy funcionando con la ayuda de colaboradores que trabajan a pulmón, y sin pedir nada a cambio, para que muchas personas no padezcan la insoportable misión de vivir sin techo, sin una vivienda digna.
Para los que quieran interiorizarse sobre este solidario proyecto les dejamos la charla telefónica que mantuvimos en Al Centro y Adentro Radio el 9 de julio de este año, en el aniversario de la apertura del refugio. Primeramente hablamos con Pablo Baró uno de los voluntarios que colabora en el lugar y luego con José Luís Cisneros, él se encontraba refugiado esa fría noche de invierno.
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The truth is, lida is not a mystery, and lida daidaihua is all about the right daidaihua diet or supplement and sufficient exercise. As the saying goes; 'You are what you eat' so by taking care and being a bit more selective about what you consume lida slimming , you figure will soon show the benefits. One such supplement is slimming capsule . It is regarded somewhat as a miracle solution for weight loss, with many Hollywood A-list celebrities jumping on the bandwagon. slimming capsules consists of Capsicum extract (generally known as Chilli pepper) not generally well known as a weight loss aid.
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In 1981, Paloma Picasso, designer of Tiffany jewellery , she was committed to non-mystical designed, created Tiffany rings style is very simple: arbitrary cross, seemingly careless of the wave curve. In the long years, silver rings are looked as a symbol of status and wealth, but for Tiffany earrings there is a saying: we rely on art of making money, but the artistic value forever.
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